看《摘星奇緣》學英語 (1)
The film Notting Hill is a 1999 romantic comedy set in Notting Hill, London, starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. It portrays the unlikely but lasting romance between an average Englishman and a Hollywood superstar . The "surreal-but-true" love story is truly a modern-day cinderella tale.
Notting Hill is definitely one of our all-time favourites. First, we have a preference for Hugh Grant, who also starred in Nine Months (btw, does the title ring any bell to you?), the movie we first watched together on our first date on the X'mas Eve 12 years ago. Second, Brother Yeung loves Notting Hill for its subtlety and wonderful, subdued sense of humour.
Let's first watch the opening of the film featuring its theme song, 'She', and see if you can resist Anna's (Julia Roberts) captivating charisma.
《摘星奇緣》是 1999 年出品的愛情喜劇,由曉治格蘭和茱莉亞羅拔絲領銜主演。故事以英國倫敦的Notting Hill為背景,講述一名平凡的英國男子如何巧遇荷里活大明星,譜出虛實交疊的摘星奇緣,十足現代男版《灰姑娘》。
論我和楊大哥歷年來最愛的電影,《摘》片肯定榜上有名。一來我倆對曉治格蘭本來就有情有獨鍾(12 年前的平安夜,我們初次約會看電影,看的就是曉治格蘭的《九月之癢》,你們對它有印象嗎?),二來楊大哥愛《摘》片細膩中隱含幽默。
我們先來欣賞電影的序幕,聽聽主題曲 , 看你能否抵擋女主角的攝人魅力。
She | She |
1. star (v.) 領銜主演 | e.g. (1) The film Notting Hill stars Hugh Grant. e.g. (2) Hugh Grant starred in Notting Hill. (a) 留意第一句以該片為主語,stars 後面不跟任何介詞(preposition),由於電影跟其他文學作品一樣,本身有自己的生命,不受時間約束,故常用簡單現在式 (simple present tense)表達。 (b) 第二句以Hugh Grant 為主語,starred 指Hugh Grant 主演該片這個過程,已過去,故用過去式(past tense)。 |
2. surreal but true 感覺虛幻而實在 | 這是片中的經典對白。女主角貴為荷里活大明星,居然主動向平凡的男主角獻吻,男主角吻後自然感覺虛幻、超現實,還以為自己在做夢,然而濕潤的雙唇尚餘微溫,感覺卻又那麼實在! |
3. have a preference for 偏愛;對…情有獨鍾 | e.g. Most ladies have a preference for desserts over any other food. 女士們大多對甜品情有獨鍾。 |
4. Does it ring any bell to you? 你有冇咩印象? | 這句的意思是Does that sound familiar to you? e.g. The name rings a bell but I can't remember where I have heard it before. 個名好熟,不過唔記得喺邊度聽過。 |
相關網誌: 看《英女皇》學英語(一), 看頒獎禮學英語(一)