Channel: 譯之國度,兩文三語從生活學起。
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廿一世紀的今日, 手提電話已成為都市人必不可少的隨身物品。相信大家都會試過手提電話「收唔到」,「得番一格電」, 甚至「無電」, 那種徬徨的滋味一定不好受。這些話英文怎麼說?


  1. No signal is available here.
  2. My cell/ mobile phone gets poor reception here.
  3. Cell/ mobile phone reception is poor here.


Bella 做傳譯時曾給這個難倒了, 「有電」、「無電」、「無乜電」或「就快無電」我也會說, 但「一格電」該怎樣說呢? 原來是:

  1. The phone battery is down to one bar only.
  2. The battery indicator is showing one bar only.
  3. I've only got one bar left.


  1. I'm running out of battery.
  2. The battery is going flat.
  3. The battery is low.

「無電」: The battery is flat [UK]/ dead [US].

以下是女朋友或「阿媽」的經典投訴事例, 用來總括今天的分享最好不過了!

Girlfriend:  Why didn't you call me last night? You're always out of reach! (你琴晚做乜唔打電話俾我? 成日都搵你唔到o既!)

Boyfriend: I was running out of battery. It already came down to one bar only when I left work. When I walked out of the office building, the reception was poor. Soon the phone beeped to warn me of low battery and before I got to the bus-stop, it went completely flat. (我無乜電呀嘛。放工果時都已經得番一格電咋, 行出公司大廈又收唔到。無奈就「嘟」一聲話就快無電, 我都未行到去巴士站就無哂電啦!)

Girlfriend: And it didn't occur to you that you could make a call in a phone booth while your phone at home happened to be out of order. Is that what you're going to say?  Please get lost, you liar! (你係咪想話唔醒起去電話亭打電話, 屋企電話又咁啱壞咗? 躝開啦, 大話精!)

相關網誌:  「雪花」、「一間間」、「鬼影」和「沙沙聲」英文點講?

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