Channel: 譯之國度,兩文三語從生活學起。
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兩文三語對對碰【8】: 「蘇州過後無艇搭」





人其實相當愚蠢。未見過、未試過的總想去試,心想自己還有更好的選擇,不懂珍惜擁有的,哪知握在手裡的,原來是最好的、最適合自己的。可是,到他恍然大悟的時候,「蘇州過後無艇搭」,普通話是「過了這個村,沒這個店」,英文是Opportunity only knocks once (but not twice)/ Opportunity never knocks twice at any man's door,機會可一不可再。

機會這回事,從來都是稍縱即逝Here today, gone tomorrow. Nothing is always there for you if you don't treasure it and try hard to keep it.

可是,人總是貪心的動物。有人會想:為了一棵樹,放棄一個森林, 划不來;然而對方也不笨,心想: 天涯何處無芳草,There are plenty more fish/ other fish in the sea, 你放棄,是你「走寶」了。

《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables) 中有一個故事,用來說明何謂「貪字得個貧」最好不過:

The Dog and the Meat

A dog with a fine slab of meat in his mouth crossed a bridge over a river and saw his reflection (倒影)in the water. Thinking it to be another dog with a larger piece of meat he let go his own and dived at the other dog to take it. He surfaced with nothing and his dinner washed away in the current (付諸流水).

The moral of the story is: Be satisfied with what you have or you may lose it

為了鏡花水月而不惜放棄手中最好、最寶貴的東西,到頭來落得一場空,後悔莫及,抱憾終生。何苦?只不過因為「隔離飯香」The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence)。不是人人能夠明白珍惜眼前所有,不要冒險犯難的道理。A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

After all, it's all a matter of choice.


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