Channel: 譯之國度,兩文三語從生活學起。
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我們今天動起來﹐談談打架吧。先談 fight 字﹐英語中有兩個意思﹐一是吵架(quarrel/ argument/ row)﹐一是打架﹐為免誤會﹐選字時要小心。


「撩交嗌」或「撩交打」﹐英文是to pick a fight with somebody, 「隻抽」是to fight one-on-one﹐而「佢撩我隻抽」就是He challenges me to a one-on-one fight.

e.g. (1) The boy said he started chasing after Kodjo, and his friends joined in, even though he himself was expecting it to be a one-on-one fight and had not asked them to help. (BBC News, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/7292802.stm, 12 March 2008.) 該男孩稱, 是他先追著Kodjo, 只打算跟他來一場單打獨鬥(「隻揪」), 並沒叫朋友幫忙, 他的朋友後來卻加入了。

至於「拳架」、「赤手空拳打交」﹐英文的說法是to have a fist-fight (= with fists only, no weapson is used)。

e.g. (2) A man whose friend died after the pair had a fist fight outside a pub has been jailed for 15 months. (BBC News, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/somerset/5180014.stm, 14 July 2006.) 一名男子與友人於酒吧外拳架, 友人事後身亡, 男子因此被囚15 個月。

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