說起fight,有一句英文諺語是He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day., 意思是'it can be a good and acceptable decision to leave a difficult situation'。常言道:留得青山在,哪怕無柴燒。正所謂「好漢不吃眼前虧」,有時退一步的確會海濶天空,養精蓄銳,時機一到,自能東山再起,不是嗎?
另外,Live to fight another day用來鼓勵別人一時失敗了不用氣餒,只要留有力氣,他朝定能再戰江湖。
例(1): 我們今次雖然輸了, 但是留得青山在, 下次定能捲土重來。We didn't win this time, but we live to fight another day.
說話內容要是跟「作戰」無關,我們還可以說Where there's life, there's hope. (= So long as someone or something ailing is alive, there is hope for recovery)
例(2): 雖然金融風暴差點使我們結業,但我們總算熬了過來, 留得青山在, 哪怕無柴燒。The economic turmoil almost drove us out of business, but we somehow survived. Where there's life, there's hope.